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RoJAM 2.0 17

4.4 ( 384 ratings )
الأعمال التجارية الإنتاجية
المطور: CrowdCompass, Inc.

Aplicatia mobila a celei de-a 6-a Jamboree Nationale a Cercetasilor Romaniei - RoJAM 2.0 17: 4-15 august 2017, Cristian, jud. Brasov.
Mobile Event Guide for the 6th Romanian National Scout Jamboree - RoJAM 2.0 17: 4-15 August 2017, Cristian (Brasov)

(English description below)
RoJAM 2.0 17 reprezinta celebrarea cercetasiei in Romania. Timp de 10 zile, 1800 de tineri din toate colturile tarii, dar si din afara acesteia, isi vor construi un oras propriu in mijlocul naturii, la Cristian, in judetul Brasov, si vor invata unii de la altii sa traiasca impreuna si sa construiasca o lume mai buna. Avand ca motto „Schimba perspectiva!”, RoJAM 2.0 17 isi propune sa creeze un program orientat spre stimularea educatiei pentru stiinta si tehnologie, identificarea de solutii pentru dezvoltarea durabila a comunitatilor locale, precum si pe incurajarea si promovarea diversitatii in societatea romaneasca.
Un eveniment organizat de Organizatia Nationala Cercetasii Romaniei, sub Inaltul Patronaj al Presedintelui Romaniei, in parteneriat cu Primaria Comunei Cristian. Sponsor principal: Kaufland Romania.

RoJAM 2.0 17 represents a celebration of Scouting in Romania. For 10 days, 1800 young people from all over Romania, but also many other countries, will build a city for themselves, in the middle of nature, at Cristian (Brasov). They will learn from each other to live together and build a better world. With the motto "Change the Perspective", the Jamboree aims to offer a programme geared towards encouraging STEM education, identifying solutions for sustainable local community development and promoting diversity in Romanian society.
An event organised by the National Organisation of Romanian Scouts, under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, in partnership with the Cristian City Hall. Main sponsor: Kaufland Romania.